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(Português do Brasil) Como se tornar um profissional insubstituível?

(Português do Brasil) Neste texto sobre como se tornar um profissional insubstituível, falamos quais são as habilidades comportamentais necessárias para ter esse diferencial.

Sorry, this entry is only available in Português do Brasil.


“Working at Next is to feel that you live the future, that the company is your second home and the team is your second family”.


Next Shipping Collaborator

"The feeling of gratitude is what prevails most. Working at Next is knowing that we are treated in a special way.


Next Shipping Collaborator

“You arrive at Next and it's a deal unlike anything you've ever seen. The dynamism makes Next unique, it really cares about me and my company.”


Director, Araupack Import

"Simply the best..... Everyone should have Next as a sister company.”


Large Importer of the Textile Sector
